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Welcome to SAU 15 – Auburn, Candia, Hooksett

SAU #15 school districts believe the roots of a great community lie in the strength of the educational system that molds today’s children into tomorrow’s leaders. Our schools are child centered and provide high-quality, rigorous instruction that engages and challenges students in acquiring the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary for the 21st century.
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Le critiques des casinos Canadiens par des experts en jeux d'argent en ligne est devenu notre fidèle compagnon. De plus en plus de joueurs accèdent aux offres de casino via leurs smartphones. Les fabricants de jeux et les salles de jeux en ligne ont rapidement reconnu cette tendance et ont commencé à s'y adapter. Les casinos en ligne allemands peuvent être utilisés aussi confortablement sur un téléphone mobile que sur un ordinateur personnel. Tant le logiciel du casino que les jeux s'adaptent automatiquement à l'appareil approprié. La bonne nouvelle, c'est que vous n'avez pas besoin de télécharger une application de casino supplémentaire ; un navigateur web mobile est tout à fait suffisant. Cependant, certains casinos en ligne proposent leur propre application pour les smartphones et tablettes Android ou les appareils mobiles Apple comme l'iPhone et l'iPad. Sur ma page supplémentaire sur les casinos mobiles, vous trouverez, à mon avis, la meilleure application de casino. Je recommande l'application de casino mobile suivante pour un jeu rapide dans votre navigateur. Ce fournisseur fiable répond le mieux à mes critères pour tester les jeux mobiles. J'y accorde une attention particulière à la compatibilité avec les smartphones et les tablettes et au nombre de jeux mobiles disponibles. Un autre aspect est le caractère intuitif de l'utilisation de la plateforme à partir d'un téléphone mobile. Les développeurs se sont donné beaucoup de mal pour y parvenir, et vous pouvez confortablement visiter les meilleurs casinos en ligne loin de chez vous et jouer aux jeux d'argent mobiles en déplacement, que ce soit dans le train ou dans un parc. Aujourd'hui, aucun jeu n'est développé sans une expérience sans faille sur tous les appareils mobiles. Mais qu'en est-il des vieux classiques ? C'est là que je peux donner toute la clarté. Tous les fabricants ont rendu leur billetterie adaptée aux appareils mobiles, de sorte que vous pouvez en profiter sur votre smartphone. Les jeux proposés ici sont spécialement conçus pour les mobiles. Enfin, comme d'habitude, vous trouverez un aperçu des critères de test pour les applications de casino mobile.

Welcome to SAU 15 – Auburn, Candia, Hooksett

SAU 15 News

  • Picture of Becky Wing, PrincipalElementary Principal of the Year Announcement

    Date: February 29, 2024

    We are very pleased to announce that Becky Wing has been chosen as the Elementary Principal of the Year for the 2024-2025 academic school year in New Hampshire. Becky was selected in part for her exceptional leadership, dedication, and unwavering commitment to the students, staff, and our community. This well-deserved recognition highlights Becky’s invaluable contributions in providing a safe and supportive learning environment for our students and staff. The positive impact that Becky has had on our students is immeasurable. Please see the NHASP Press Release (PDF) which highlights the numerous reasons for why Becky received this prestigious award.

  • Substitute Teachers Needed

    Date: February 14, 2022

    SAU 15 schools are in need of more substitute teachers.  If you are interested in substituting in any of the SAU 15 schools, please begin the application process by clicking this link: SAU15 Substitute Application.  If you have questions or need assistance, please call 603-622-3731.

  • SAU Board to Meet 9/16/20 Via Video Conferencing

    Date: September 15, 2020

    SAU BOARD PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE Remote SAU Board Meeting WEDNESDAY, September 16, 2020 6:30 P.M. The SAU School Board will be holding a remote meeting on Wednesday, September 16, 2020, commencing at 6:30 p.m. ZOOM will be the platform used to run the meeting for the Board. It can be accessed by doing the following: You will be able to listen to the meeting by phone by dialing US: +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 6266799 or+19292056099 or+12532158782 or+13462487799 or+16699006833 Webinar ID: 952 7972 1366 Password: 454179 If during the meeting you have any difficulty hearing the members of the School Board, you can call 603.518.5047 ext. 5015...

Auburn School DistrictView All posts from Auburn School District

  • Legal Notice: Auburn School District Election Information

    January 15, 2023

    Candidate Filing Period January 25, 2023 – February 3, 2023 (During Town Clerk’s Office Hours) (February 3 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM) Auburn Town Hall, 47 Chester Road Open Positions Auburn School Board One (1) – 3 year term School District Clerk – 2 year term Deliberative Session Saturday, February 4, 2023 (Immediately following the Town Deliberative...

Candia School DistrictView All posts from Candia School District

Hooksett School DistrictView All

  • Hooksett Memorial School HVAC and Roof Project Video

    January 29, 2025

    The Hooksett School Board directed the Hooksett School Administrative team to undergo a Facilities Infrastructure Audit to help make sound fiscal and data-driven decisions regarding the needs of the school buildings. As a result of this audit, the Hooksett School Board has put forth Warrant #2 for...

  • Donati Bridge Project Revised Bus Routes

    April 22, 2024

    Dear Hooksett Families, The purpose of this message is to inform you that the Donati Bridge project will begin on April 29, 2024. This project impacts the bridge carrying Donati Drive over I-93. Donati Drive is a road that connects Bicentennial Drive to West Alice Avenue. The bridge will be completely closed...

  • Donati Bridge Project Revised Bus Routes

    April 22, 2024

    Dear Hooksett Families, The purpose of this message is to inform you that the Donati Bridge project will begin on April 29, 2024. This project impacts the bridge carrying Donati Drive over I-93. Donati Drive is a road that connects Bicentennial Drive to West Alice Avenue. The bridge will be completely closed...