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SAU 15

About SAU 15

School Administrative Unit 15 provides central office administrative and business services to the Auburn, Candia and Hooksett School Districts. Centralizing these functions places emphasis on efficiency while maintaining the goals and individuality of each district.

SAU 15 Administrators include the Superintendent, Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, Business Administrator and Human Resources Manager. Administrative and business services include oversight of all aspects of educational and finance operations including curriculum, instruction, assessment, personnel, payroll, accounts payable, food services, facilities and transportation.

Responsibilities include supervising the educational programs for approximately 3,500 students, maintaining 5 school buildings, managing budgets of approximately $52 million, and coordinating the activities of 3 school districts.

SAU 15 and its member districts employ nearly 400 people and covers 96 square miles in south-central New Hampshire.

Roles & Responsibilities

Individual School Boards set policy, determine the budget, approve staff hiring & have facilities and capital improvement oversight responsibilities.

The SAU Board, comprised of the three school district board members, meets four times a year to discuss common goals, concerns and activities. They have primary responsibility for the SAU budget and the evaluation of the superintendent.

The SAU Administration recommends budgets, policies, facility improvements, purchasing, and the hiring of staff, etc. to the individual boards.

The SAU Administration coordinates functions including school curriculum, staff evaluations, business functions, selected policies, professional development activities, and human resources.


Schools in SAU 15 Grades Enrollment HS Enrollment
Auburn – Auburn Village School K-8 628 306
Candia – Henry W. Moore School K-8 274 155
Hooksett – Fred C. Underhill K-2 376
Hooksett – Hooksett Memorial 3-5 393
Hooksett – David R. Cawley 6-8 434 657

The Latest From SAU 15

Hooksett School Board Recording Secretary

May 7, 2024

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